Hamish Scott-Brown : My coaching experience with Clare Louise – Creating Creativity®
Clare has been a close friend for several years now and it has been her on-going positive input that has really kept me buoyant, assisting me through more than one problem in business and other areas.
Having seen and listened to me discuss barriers that I have carried for many years, (possibly decades actually) she suggested we have a session to ‘clear out’ some of the blocks that have been stopping me forge ahead.
To be honest I wasn’t sure what to expect on the day and although I went prepared with paperwork and plans, notes and details I soon realised it wasn’t actually going to be that kind of a coaching session.
Business nowadays in the 21st century is so much more than what we were doing 10 or 15 years ago. Working for yourself in business is 10x harder and in the photographic industry where film rolls have been swapped for sD cards, and enlargers for MacBooks and Photoshop, it takes more than just being good with a camera and people to succeed … this is where she is able to really help you and where she scored high with me.
You’d think that someone who travels as much as me, gets to see exciting places, lives a happy married life would have all the reasons to feel motivated and yet … why was it that every day was just a downward spiraling vortex of issues that I felt I couldn’t challenge, couldn’t change.
What Clare does, and if you really let yourself go, is dig deep inside your own confidence channels and in my case apply a healing that is more than a hands on approach. In fact its anything but hands on…it’s hands off, and what felt like a spiritual assistance that’s really able to get to the heart of the matter. If you are open enough to let the magic work then you’ll be revitalised, coming out the other side a richer person for it. In my case I was tired for several days (on the way back home I had to pull over and rest) The mental pictures that form in your mind as a result of learning about yourself and where your life can be will simply amaze you.
By keeping up the practices and applying the theory Clare Louise developed with me I know things will continue to keep heading in a great direction. This is not a quick overnight sticking plaster fix, it’s a whole new way of thinking about your future, a way of being.
Why did you choose Clare Louise’s Creating Creativity Programme
Clare is and has been a friend for many years and having known her and seen what she is capable of I can put it quickly simply and in a few words … I trust and believe in her. If you meet Clare, even just once you’ll soon appreciate that creativity, healing, energy and spiritual excellence are all part of what Clare exudes.
How many sessions did you have?
I had one half day in-person session which felt like an amazing 30,000 mile service. Obviously it depends on how hard you drive the engine and how much you burn oil … some people may need a series of sessions but in this case, a single visit was enough to get me back on performance level.
When did you start to see the benefits of the session?
During my time with Clare I found I accessed emotions, limiting beliefs and my visions for the future and who I needed to be to make that happen. Once you are able to believe in yourself (which is what she essentially guides and assists you with) and apply the right thought processes, you will feel it working very soon.
What did you explore?
In my case it was all about me standing in my own way and a few ghosts from the past that needed kicking in to touch – they’ve all left the room for now and if they do come around again, I’ll know how to deal with them.
What was the biggest value?
Feeling good again
What was the biggest impact?
Recognising that it’s good to feel good and you need that a bit more often to help you remain creative and on top of things, engaged with life.
What would you tell others about Clare Louise’s Creating Creativity Programme?
Prepare yourself to think deeply about what makes you really ‘tick’ and let yourself go, get emotional if you feel it’s right for you. As a friend I would say you can trust her and in today’s world, trust is a very powerful and rich compliment.