Lisa Visser – My coaching experience with Clare Louise – Creating Creativity® coaching programme
Why did you choose Clare Louise’s Creating Creativity® coaching programme?
My business wasn’t moving forward in the way I wanted it to and I was contemplating what I could do to improve things. When I read about Clare Louise’s coaching it gave me hope that I could work on making the changes that were needed.
Tell us about your sessions?
I had weekly sessions, each session lasting between 40 minutes to 2 hours. They took as long as was needed to get the results, depending on what showed up in each session.
Was there work to do in between each session?
Yes, and it was really beneficial. Clare Louise followed up every session with full session notes, action points, and, depending on what we were working on in each session, recordings, visualisations, exercises, and inspiration. There was always follow-up work, which needed to be sent to Clare before the next session. This was really beneficial as it kept me focused on what I needed to do before I spoke to her again and gave me accountability. When I finished the programme I received a personal blueprint. This covered everything we had gone through in the sessions and gave me the exercises we had worked on (and more) so I could continue my development once our coaching had finished.
When did you start to see the benefits?
After the first session I felt really positive that I could make my business be whatever I wanted it to be. Clare Louise is a wonderful person to engage with. She is insightful and will help develop the best version of you to improve your business and expand your creativity.
The programme far exceeded my expectations. I didn’t realise that so much time would be spent looking into me as a person: it was healing and refreshing. I also felt so relaxed with Clare. She has a lovely calming way about her that makes you feel anything you say is not being judged but looked at to find solutions.
What else did you explore?
On the second session we looked into my business. Even before starting the session Clare asked me to begin analysing how things currently were. Just spending some quiet time really thinking about the business this way and answering the simple questions Clare had asked made me realise changes needed to be made. This session was a real eye opener for me. Clare guided me through my business and really helped things become clear in my mind. I had a good honest look at where I was. I was able to break my business down and focus on one area at a time and really see what needed to change. This was so helpful because Clare helped me look at my business in ways I had never done before. She was perfect at asking the right questions and offering scenarios that then helped me create the right solutions for my business. I knew I had a good product but Clare helped me to see its full potential. I left this session feeling really positive and excited about implementing change and felt really confident that I could realistically achieve those adjustments I needed to make. The thing I gained most from looking at my business this way was that I was seeing a much clearer picture of what was happening and that it was all in my hands to make my business far more successful. I felt excited about what I could actually do myself.
One of the many benefits about working with Clare Louise is that she is really good at making you think far more deeply than you would normally, whether that’s about how you are performing in your business, how your client is reacting to you, or what you are offering them. She offers great advice and her positive nature is infectious. By session 3 I realised that it was my mindset that was holding my business back: I was the one putting the limitations on it. These sessions transformed all that. The changes in me by session 3 were already having a big impact on me personally and within my business. I’d stopped wondering what I could do and how: I felt positive and had a real sense of purpose, which gave me the right energy to create the changes needed.
It takes a very clever and intuitive eye to look at someone’s business and make positive suggestions to move it forward. Clare Louise has such an amazing way of being able to delve into so many aspects of your business and the role you play in it. She helps you to see what can be improved and helps you find solutions that can really transform things both practically for your business and emotionally for your wellbeing.
What was the biggest value?
Hope. Without hope there is nothing. My hope developed into positivity, which then changed into feelings of excitement at my own potential and what I can achieve. I’ve tapped into an inner strength. I’ve learned to take small steps and realise that the little changes I implement can make such a big difference to the way I work. Listening to Clare Louise’s recordings when I’ve needed encouragement has really helped too. My perspective has changed on issues that used to really bother me: now I see them as opportunities to learn. It’s brilliant! The coaching has been exactly what I needed to drive me and my business forward. The steps, whilst they have pushed me, have been achievable, leaving me feeling very positive.
What was the biggest impact?
Believing in myself. I can see the changes working. I have found that the tools Clare Louise has shown me are changing the way I feel and deal with situations in my business, and also how I feel about myself. Rather than thinking ‘I can’t do that,’ I now think ‘how can I do this?’ I’m more in control and feel more powerful. I’ve gone from wondering what I can do improve my business to feeling I can change anything I want. I understand the product and service I offer my clients more. I feel valued. I have a real sense of achievement and purpose about my business.
What would you tell others about Clare Louise’s Creating Creativity® coaching programme?
The coaching has really helped me to feel more positive, to have greater self belief and confidence. All these qualities are fundamental in helping me perform well in my business. I feel so much more empowered and this is really benefiting me as I look at where I’m now headed. I feel so excited about the business and how I can explore further its potential and expand my creativity. The coaching has made me feel I really can achieve my dreams.
This coaching is life changing. It has made me look at my business and myself so differently. I really understand myself better. It has given me so much more faith in myself. Clare Louise is an amazing coach and mentor and has such an intuitive and wonderful way with people. I felt so relaxed that nothing I said was wrong. I would tell others that if they are looking for a new direction or wanting to improve what they’re doing, this would be just what they need to make great changes for themselves both personally and professionally.