Abby Wilkes Product Review

Books & Cards

Abby Wilkes - Product Review

The Power of You

A beautifully illustrated book, journal and archetype cards to guide you through the journey to authenticity.

Explore your creative architecture, the three levels of creativity along with the steps to authenticity.



The Power of You book, cards and journal is at another level. Never, ever before have explanations so resonated with me, giving me a deeper understanding of who I am as a creative.

From each card I pulled, the words spoke to me directly. It’s not just the explanations, each exploration gives you food for thought through questions and I felt that both the cards and Clare Louise are lovingly holding space for me to explore and understand my Self deeper.

They now have a permanent spot near my desk and when I doubt myself and find myself being too much in my head, I pull a card, observing every detail, and through my interpretation - with detachment of the ego, I use the book as my guidance.

If you are ready to be truly, deeply, guided, this set is for you.


Clare Louise creates such magic, these cards and journal leave me feeling spoilt. These images aren't ‘just’ photographs, as you sit with them, you feel them and see all the small details that have meanings - you can't help but have a sense that these images were created hand in hand with a higher energy.

It’s important, as with many decks, not to listen to your ego, to instead let go, take a deep breath and FEEL your way into the beautiful visuals of these cards. Bask in the presence of the now, detach from any outcome, go with the flow and the appropriate cards will present themselves to you.

Abby Wilkes Soul Essence Branding Photographer

Inspiration & Reflection Cards & Journal

Reconnect to your creative self with this set of 52 Illustrated inspiration and reflection cards.

This deck is accompanied by a guided journal, a sacred space for inner conversations and inspired thoughts.