And so it begins

Hello You!

I'm stepping into 2022 with my 3 words for the year which are Movement, Magic and Amplify. Every year I set goals with soul - I've found that these kind of goals have helped me get where I want to go faster, and with alot more meaning and fulfillment too.

I promised myself when I set up this journal I would be authentic. True to Self, and if you've been in this space with me for a while you will probably be expecting something inspiring today - something motivational. But the truth is as I sit here writting this I'm not feeling my 'best self' today. I'm feeling low. My Christmas and New Year has been a bit of a muller lite kind of time this year - some great highs, time with loved ones, lots of laughter and heart hugging moments, eating all the stuff I don't normally eat and drinking far more than I usually drink and some deep lows - loss, grief and seperation and the feelings and challenges that surround all that.

So yes, a new energetic me would be most welcomed right now! But what I know for sure is that even though I'm not feeling it right now and have put my annual and much loved 2 days of creating, planning and intention setting for the year ahead (which has been the highlight of my Christmas/New Year break for the last decade) on hold, is that 2022 is going to be my best year yet.

What I've realised over the years is that even though the challenging times come, and they have come. I have learnt each time to go deeper, find my strength, resillience, courage and deal with what each of those challenges brought up for me and grow from them, rise up and navigate my way through them and create from them ... in my life, my creative practice and my business. I have learnt to live a more fulfilling, authentic and creative life. And I am so grateful for that.

As I reflect on the last couple of years if they gifted me anything it was a soothing of my soul, a deeper connection to my authentic creative self and spirit, the space to figure out how to bring all parts of me together and come into alignment so I can contribute and make an difference doing what I love - even when it hurts, even in the challenges. And 2022 is going to be the year where I get to amplify that magic and create movement ... and just writting this has brought a smile to my face and a lift in my heart.

So the start of 2022 is all about clearing out my system and rebooting for me, leaning into recovery.

What this looks like right now:

Healthy eating

No Alcohol (definately no alcohol)

Moving my body daily - walking, yoga or dance

Making time to connect to Self

Journalling and listening to my heart

Creating - intentional space to feel, heal, rest and recover (music, scented candles and soft snuggly things)

And before long my energy will have lifted and shifted.

How about you? How are you feeling right now and what are you putting in place to feel more expansive and energised?

Other Stuff

There has been so much happening in 2021 that I've not really had time to come up for air and share it all with you, how the business is evolving - where we are now and where we are going. (I will be intouch soon) I have one last programme to create (a free five day creative discovery programme for passion-led creative women who are ready to find their voice, step into their magic, lead authentically and build a business with soul) which I'm aiming to launch early February and then I'm all about facing outwards and focussing on sharing content, stories and creations with you, for those of you who are ready for a deeper level of connection in all areas's. And I'm excited - really, really excited. I've had 18 months of creating and implementing this work with some incredbile passion-led, creative women who want to build a business with soul and I want you to experience the life changing results too.

Because you deserve to clear out the old and refocus your energy on your potential. Because if there is one thing life has taught me it's that our time is now. Because no-one deserves to stay stuck in the old. Because you are meant for more and because I know, deep in my bones kind of know, that when we unleash our creative potential and direct it in a purposeful and intentional way positive change happens, new growth happens, impact happens - in all areas of our life, creative practice and business. I also know that it all starts with you.

And as I write this, a new testimonial just came through ... "I've been working with Clare Louise and I honestly don’t know where I’d be without her! She has helped me uncover the person I was meant to be. I now feel contentment and joy. Something I’ve never experienced before. She helped me find the clarity that I needed to make massive changes and turn my life around. I’m becoming the best version of myself ... I adore Clare Louise and what she has helped me create and I will be eternally grateful. Gift yourself the magic of this woman, you deserve it!"

And as I read this I have tears rolling down my cheeks, because I know her journey, I know the impact, I know the difference. So I'm inviting you, before I've even launched it, before I've even written what day one is going to be about, before I've even had a chance to figure out what it is I want to share with you on the free five day creative discovery programme (I don't even know if thats what I want to call it yet!) Because I have to trust in my potential and creative flow too, and one thing I know for sure is that I want to unleash your creative potential, I want to start a revolution and an evolution ... I want this to be the year where we make dancing with our dreams the norm, where we start to change our approach to creativity, where finding your voice becomes of the utmost importance as does leading with authenticity - where building a business with soul matters. Where magic happens. Because your dreams matter. Because dieing with a dream stuck inside of you is as heartbreaking and soul shattering as living with unmanifested potential.

Because your time is now.

I'll be intouch as soon as I can - I know it won't be for everyone but if you're ready to make 2022 your best year yet - reach out.

Thank you so much for being here.

With love

Clare Louise

Creativity + Authenticity = Magic