Creativity is a gift … are you making the most of it?
I’ve been asking people in our industry how they came to be where they are as a creative, some will say they don’t really know how they got there they just did, some will say because of necessity and some will say they were following their passion.
Most are creating images a certain way because they feel they must, they’ve not been pulled to take action on what’s possible. Some are too afraid to make mistakes, some don’t know where to begin to do anything different and others just don’t have the motivation or self belief to try something new and are comfortable where they are, limiting their creative growth.
Others have this fire, this aliveness and passion to look for possibilities, they are curious, driven by a desire for more, even when they don’t know how or what their more looks like. They are driven by what they want to do rather than what they feel they have to do. They are finding their courage and pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone so they can evolve and grow, so they can discover the magic within and be their absolute best, creatively, personally and in business.
It’s been two weeks since my debut workshop ‘Shooting with Soul‘ and I’ve been blown away with the feedback from the delegates on the day. When I created this workshop my dream to was connect creatives to their authentic creativity and empower the creative spirit within. I didn’t just want to create a great day, I wanted to make a difference, to connect creatives to their more so they could be more. I’ll be honest, it scared the hell out of me stepping out and stepping up to my more, yet I’ve never felt so alive … and I wasn’t the only one.
You see creativity is one of life’s gifts, one that we all have access too, yet one of our most underutilized assets, it’s the part of us that expands who we are, it enables us to create authentic images with impact, images with meaning and in return our creativity gifts us greater meaning, a sense of purpose and enables us to have a greater impact in our lives, our art and our businesses.
I’m sharing with you Kathryn Chapman’s delegate experience from my workshop Shooting with Soul, she sum’s up perfectly what I wanted to achieve during the day, click here to read all about Kathryn’s experience.
If you’re a photographer, a creative whose not ready to settle for second best and the limitations of what you think you can achieve, whose tired of doing what you think you should be doing, whose feeling stagnated, uninspired and not pushing yourself to be your more and are ready to step up – then this workshop could be perfect for you.
It doesn’t matter what genre of photography you are in (in fact the delegates on my first workshop were shooting a wide range of photography, newborn, wildlife, pets, street photography, headshots, child portraiture) Shooting with Soul is about creativity, intuition and space, it’s about connection, your greatness, your authenticity … it’s about your more.
It’s time to explore the depths of who you are and discover the magic within … it’s time to create creativity.
“Shooting with Soul is an extraordinary workshop that will give you an understanding and take you to places within your yourself that you hadn’t imagined. This will result in deep personal learning and a professional creative shift.
Each photographer has the opportunity to work with three sets of models and make-up artists where you join forces on styling and vision. Through a series of exercises before each shoot CL helps unlock what is holding you back in your creativity and shows that your potential is only hindered by your own limits and fears. As a result, each shoot becomes more and more intense and meaningful.
CL has a brilliant network of talented people that she brings together to facilitate meaningful training in a safe and supportive environment. Coupled with incredible costumes, props and location, everything about this workshop is stunning and inspiring … read more
“I have been on hundreds of training course and on the majority of them came away feeling good about the image I captured or the work I produced, though I never thought about the course again – I just carried on. This can be said about the shoots and work I completed in the past, It feels good at the time and I just carry on.
This course is completely different to any other and has had a major impact on my life. I came away with new eyes and perspective of my life and how I want it to change. I did not want the day to end. Even the most skeptical would find something from the day. I walked away with the best images I feel I have ever created and I still want to achieve more and have amazing images in my mind that I’m now itching to create! … read more“
“The class exercises were unbelievable, I felt like you took my mind to a different place and I now approach shoots differently. I saw things in me and felt things in me I didn’t even know was there – I have grown so much in such a short period of time. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn more about myself and to see creativity from a different perspective… read more”