It’s All About Connection
Creativity … It’s All About Connection
As creatives we are often looking for that something more, a deeper meaning to our work, a bigger impact in our images, our authentic creativity, that certain something we can’t quite put our finger on but know we want more of whatever it is anyway!
I am always being asked about my creativity and how I create my images. Yes of course I learnt the technical art of my craft, I’ve attended hundreds of photography workshops where I learnt all about lighting, printing and composition. I learnt camera settings, lens choice, post processing and so on. What made the greatest difference to my images after I had learnt the technical aspects of photography was what I put into my images, and what I’ve poured into each and every inch of my art (and creative businesses) was my heart and soul, my energy.
What if I told you that the something more you’ve been looking for in your art is you?
I’m a big believer in how you connect to who and what’s around you affects how and what you create. My images are created from a place of feeling, from that space inside of me that resonates with who I am, my life experience, how I’m feeling in that moment, who I’m connecting with and what’s resonating within me from them. I connect to the space around me, feeling in my body what that space has to say, what stories it has to tell.
I listen to my body to access my creative space and source of inspiration, I get out of my head and into my heart and I connect. I connect to me, my surroundings and my subject. I listen to my intuition, accessing feelings, spirit, energy and allow all of them to flow freely through my art.
It’s this energy, and the connecting of that energy that is where the magic happens.
If we only connect to ourselves at a surface level, what we produce will reflect that, if we start to connect to ourselves at a deeper level, from a space of profound feeling our art takes on a whole new dimension.
The question you ask should not be how can I be more creative … it should be how can I express myself more?
How can you express yourself more?
I’m launching the first in a series of workshops called Shooting With Soul, it’s all about accessing and deepening connection and expression, it’s all about YOU and your creativity.
Numbers are small, location magnificent, creativity expansive.
You can find out more here
Shooting with Soul
Join me, I’d love to create creativity with you.