The Creative Pause
The Creative Pause
Pause …
What’s in this space of in between? That moment before we rush of and take that next step?
I’ve been listening, doing more inner work so I can expand, get inspired and put together the workshop my heart is calling me to create. It’s called The Creative Pause – it’s a non photography workshop, for those craving authentic connection, aliveness and movement in their worlds. It’s wrapped around fulfillment, empowerment, creativity and intuition and I’ve written it just for you. My next step is to expand this out into a creative retreat, it’s calling me, I feel it rising within me, I’m listening – then creating.
I’ve been having my own creative pause, slowing down, taking that breath, connecting, listening and understanding what’s in that moment of the in between. Since I’ve taken this time and created this space for myself I’ve been able to reconnect, re-evaluate, reflect, get more clarity and vision, more courage to focus on my bigger picture. I’ve realigned myself, cut off what I need to stop doing (procrastination and listening to those negative thoughts that tell you you’re not good enough, to stay safe and play small) and I’ve and made time for what I need to start doing (connecting to those parts of me that take action and makes this stuff happen). It’s opened me up to more and more opportunities.
I’ve been invited to be a speaker at a creative culture conference (outside the photographic industry), approached to help write and facilitate workshops in education to teachers on creativity and deepening intuition. I’m excited and really feeling that pull to once again step up and do MORE – be MORE.
I’ve been trying new things, remotely coaching both model and photographer during a shoot, we were over a hundred miles apart, I challenged my intuition, deepening the experience from my Shooting with Soul workshop, pushing myself to see if I could do more, be more, step up to myself. I did, and it went way beyond any of my play it safe expectations.
My inspirational creative women interviews are getting traction. I’ve got some great names lined up already, Kelly Brown, Lisa Visser, Lori Nordstorm, Anie Zanazanian, Sarah Ferrera, Melanie East, Abby Wilkes, with more to follow. These amazing women are sharing their truth, thier impactful stories to inspire others, to inspire you to keep following your dreams. Reinforcing the message that those challenges and fears that can often hold us back don’t have to stand in our way.
When we slow down, take that breath, that pause, we gift our self clarity, focus and the confidence to take action. We stop hesitating, we get out of the smallness of our brains that have been designed to keep us safe by magnifying our fears and step into our authentic creative space where everything is possible and take action from there.
You are one decision away from making those changes you need in your life, from taking action, slowing down, taking that pause, listening and discovering your magic within.
The Creative Pause
For soulful creators craving an authentic life