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I'm so excited - we have five weeks to the next round of The Creatives Mastermind. For some of you this will be your first time, for others you are on the next cycle as you continue to evolve as an authentic creator.

Please find below the practical information for the year ahead. This time round we are exploring what The Mastermind experience would be as a mini retreat for those who want to take that time out and from January 2022 the venue will be changing to embrace that. You can find all the details below.

You will notice I have also included all the dates for the workshops along with dates for additional support within the proramme. Please be advised that this is the updated version and should now exclude bank holidays (my apologies for any inconvience)

Please can you book your 1-2-1 sessions with me asap - making sure they are within the weeks requested below. This ensures that they are locked in both our diaries.

Finally, please complete your Mastermind Audit Form and submit by 11th November 2021. (if this is your second time in the programme - please complete it from the perspective of where you are now) You will be required to bring this with you to our first session. It will take between 60 - 90 minutes to complete.

Any questions, please reach out to me on telegram.

Hand on heart, I'm bursting right now - I'm so excited to take these next steps with you.

Speak soon




Everything you need to know


Here you will find everything you need to know about the programme. Dates for your diary. Venue details, covid risk assesment download, accomodation and lunch requirements along with links to the terms and conditions. If there is something that's not on here ... let me know. Lets make this your one stop general information page.


19th November ONLY

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The Cowshed

Hall Farm,




CV47 2XQ

9.30am Arrival

Dates for your Diary

The Creatives Mastermind

In person workshops


Fri 19th Nov 10am - 6.30pm

Mon 17th Jan 10am - 6.30pm

Tues 15th Feb 10am - 6.30pm

Mon 21th Mar 10am - 6.30pm

 Mon 11th April 10am - 6.30pm

 Mon 16th May 10am - 6.30pm

Mon 13th June  10am - 6.30pm

Mon 11th July 10am - 6.30pm

Mon 19th Sept 10am - 6.30pm

 Mon 17th Oct 10am - 6.30pm

**Whilst every effort will be made to keep to these dates due to the current pandemic climate dates maybe subject to change.

Peer Group Coaching

Online group coaching sessions



Mon 31st Jan 10am

Mon 28th Feb 10am

Mon 28th March 10am

Mon 25th April 10am

Mon 30th May 10am

Mon 27th June 10am

Mon 25th July 10am

Mon 12th Sept 10am

** Programme ends

** Sessions last no more than 45 minuites

Accountability Calls

Sessions with your Pods


Monday 29th Nov

Monday 24th Jan

Monday 21st Feb

Monday 28th Mar

Tuesday 19th April

Monday 23rd May

Monday 20th June

Monday 18th July

Monday 26th Sept

**Programme ends

**These dates are suggested dates and may vary from pod to pod - times to be arraged between pods. (These should not last longer than 45 minutes)



Typically each month will follow the same process

The week after each Mastermind a video recoding of the main session will be uploaded (breakout room conversations are not recorded) Along with any post work from the session.

Any pre-work will be uploaded 2 weeks prior the session.

For delegates attending online resources required for the day will be uploaded 3 days prior to the session

1-2-1 Coaching Sessions


1-2-1 coaching session are part of your package. Please book your Mastermind 1-2-1 sessions on these dates. These sessions are to support your journey in the programme.

You can access my diary here.


* Sessions last 45 mins and can not be carried over from one month to the next

** 48 working hours are required to change your appointment times

*** Missed appointments will not be re-scheduled



W/C 6th Dec

W/C 7th Feb

W/C 7th Mar

W/C 4th Apr

W/C 9th May

W/C 6th June

W/C 4th July

W/C 1st Aug

W/C 3rd Oct

W/C 17th Oct


Please bring a packed lunch for the day

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For all 2022 dates the venue will be Nightingale farm CV47 8NL

Accomodation compromises of 4 double rooms and 1 twin room. These rooms will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Double room £70 for 1 night

Twin Room Single Occupancy as above

Twin Room Shared Ocupancy £55 per night

This is not a B&B

Local supermarket is based 10 mintutes away along with excellent local places to eat

All rooms come with bathrom en-suites

Double rooms have seating areas and private balconies beautifully positioned to capture morning, evening and afternoon sun.

The house boasts a large kitchen and dining room - perfect space for building those deep tribe connections outside of the workshop.

A cinema room, gym and outdoor dining with firepit and jacuzzi ensures there is plenty of space for pampering, self care and a little bit of luxury.  There are also a number of lounges for a more private space should you wish to take it.

Set in 11 acres of farmland Nightingale Farm is perfect for early morning nature walks and creative activities such as writting, painting and photography making this a great oppourtunity to take time out for you, to recharge your creative spirit and feed the soul, the perfect mini retreat.

Arrival from 2pm Sunday and vacation of property by 10am Tuesday

Private parking, electric car charging point, internet tv, sky, plus TV apps (eg netflix)



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