Posts Tagged ‘creative living’
Love the way you are
Love the way you are It took me a long time to embrace me, the way I am, right here, right now, in any given moment. The good, the great, the mess. Those parts of me I’d shy away from or hang my head in shame at. Authentic creativity, I’ve learnt, is more about self…
Read MoreWhat is Creative Block?
What is Creative Block? Creative block is the barrier to your inspiration, your inability to access your inner creative resources – your potential, your magic, your resourcefulness, your youness, your voice. It can last weeks, months and even years and can leave you feeling frustrated, lost, bitter, full of resentment and lost opportunity of…
Read MoreWhat is it to be Creative?
What is it to be Creative? Creativity is a way of being, it’s an aliveness that flows from within us and ripples out into all we are and do. It’s a way to express ourselves, to be curious about what’s possible. It’s our ability to tap into our own pool of inner resources, our…
Read MoreClearing & Cleansing
Are you feeling stuck? As creatives our environment is a huge contributory factor to our creative flow. Our physical geography impacts not just our creative flow, it can also affect our mindset. Our environment holds the energetic space from which we operate. Surrounding ourselves with external clutter, stagnated energy, and an uninspired landscape can…
Read MoreThe Creatives Love Story
My Dearest Creativity, When we first found each other, everything was so wonderful, magical even, we were invincible and it felt like we had the power to achieve anything. Over the years we’ve faced many a block, challenge and setbacks, but I’ve never stopped believing in you, I know there is so much left…
Read MoreAbby Wilkes – The Purposeful Creator
I fell in love with Abby Wilkes about a decade ago, wow what a woman! We instantly hit it off and she’s felt like a soul sister ever since. She’s bold, beautiful, passionate, soulful and powerful, she believes in you and has this incredible presence about her that just wraps itself around you, and you…
Read MoreHelen White – My coaching experience with Clare Louise Creating Creativity® programme
Why did you choose Clare Louise’s Creating Creativity® coaching programme? I’ve been following Clare-Louise for a while and her journals and images always seemed to connect with something deep inside. I opened one of the emails and read what she had written at a point in time where I had lost my way and felt…
Read MoreMarjorie Lord Artist – My coaching experience with Clare Louise and the Creating Creativity® programme
So here we are at the start of 2019 and as I reflect back and acknowledge the many things I am grateful for from 2018, a real stand out is having found Clare-Louise and her Clare-Louise Creating Creativity®, coaching programme. Since working with Clare-Louise, I have gained incredible insight of who the inner artist in…
Read MoreTake back the light
Do not allow your fire to go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can…
Read MorePeer Group Coaching
Peer Group Coaching Last week I facilitated my first Peer Group Coaching session within my closed Facebook Group Creating Creativity. It’s a powerful experience that I’ve been facilitating for coaches over the last year and I really wanted to bring this experience into my creative community. What a truly wonderful experience it was too,…
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