Are you tired of feeling stuck?

Are You Tired Of Feeling Stuck? Everyone knows what they do and we all know how we do it but very few of us know our why? So many creatives overlook the importance of knowing their why and injecting that sense of purpose into art and their businesses. Knowing your why injects passion into your…

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Personal Development – What Makes You Tick?

What Makes You Tick? Personal Development Transformational change doesn’t come from changing yourself it comes from becoming your self. Personal development is about understanding more about who you are, what you love, hate, what drives you and excites you, what stops you, slows you down, what you’re passionate about, knowing where you don’t belong so…

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Why Creating Creativity®

Why Creating Creativity®?   It all started with YOU, the survey you completed those summer moons ago. Those questions you answered, those challenges and frustrations you shared, your honesty, your truth … and as I read through it all, all my answers were in there too. Your answers pointed me in the direction of how…

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Flying without wings

Have you ever noticed how, when you connect to your heart, your dreams, life flows freely through you and somehow, quite effortlessly, it begins to soar, taking you in directions that you never new existed … let alone possible. There is no drama, in fact quite the opposite, a sense of stillness flows from within,…

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Turning to Love

Each and every one of us will experience deep emotional pain at some point in our lives. We may not share the same experience to get us there, yet we are connected by the shared emotions of how our life experiences have left us feeling. When we accept our own feelings, our own pain, we…

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Have You Got What It Takes?

Are you willing to challenge your self to change? To challenge your thought patterns, your beliefs about you and the world around you?  You can be given inspiration and motivation by the bucket full, but until you are ready to commit to you, to put down your excuses, your fears & doubts and pick up…

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It’s Time To Rise

Dear Me If I could remove myself from this place of conflict I am in and what’s holding me back, what would I do next ? Even though I’m sat in the middle of conflict and life’s drama, what is it that I need to learn from these challenges I’m facing? What am I going…

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The Heroine Within – Athena Meditation

Connecting To The Heroine Within Are you tired of not feeling good enough? Do you lack the courage to pursue what lights you up? Are you struggling to see the value in other peoples viewpoint as well as your own? Are your external relationships suffering because of your relationship with self? The Athena Meditation focuses…

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