Posts Tagged ‘the journey of self’
Creativity has been my greatest teacher, my biggest gift, the activation of my dreams and desires. And what I learnt is that it was (and is) so much more than learning how to take a great photograph – it was how to be the great photograph. Creativity always has been and always will be an…
Read MoreThe Killer of Creativity
Judgement- the killer of creativity and the master of overthinking, self doubt, self loathing and lack of self belief. Are you struggling with anxiety, overwhelm, procrastination, imposter syndrome, starving artist syndrome? Sick and tired of thinking you’re not good enough – undervaluing your talent and not changing what you’re worth? Maybe you’re ready to grow,…
Read MoreSave The Date(s)
I’m running my free five day coaching programme again “Discover The Magic Within” for passion-led, creative women business owners who are making a living doing what they love, and I would LOVE to invite you to join me. When I put this programme together my intention was always to create something that challenged the current…
Read MoreThe Evolution
The question is not how can I be more creative … it’s how can I express myself more? As creatives our evolution is a crucial part of our success and sense of creative fulfillment. It’s in that evolution that we stretch our edges and grow … and in that expansion that we get to learn…
Read MoreYou are meant for more
March has gone so fast and April is swiftly moving through and I want to pause and celebrate before another week is out and it all gets well, forgotten. One of my greatest joys in life is seeing people step into their more. There really is something magical about witnessing the unfolding, the growth and…
Read MoreYour Dreams Matter
YOUR DREAMS MATTER I believe that with every cell in my body, every beat of my heart, every echo of my soul. Your dreams matter. And these are the creators that I LOVE to work with – the ones who have a dream. You see I believe every creative deserves to follow their dreams. I…
Read MoreHelen White – My coaching experience with Clare Louise Creating Creativity® programme
Why did you choose Clare Louise’s Creating Creativity® coaching programme? I’ve been following Clare-Louise for a while and her journals and images always seemed to connect with something deep inside. I opened one of the emails and read what she had written at a point in time where I had lost my way and felt…
Read MoreMarjorie Lord Artist – My coaching experience with Clare Louise and the Creating Creativity® programme
So here we are at the start of 2019 and as I reflect back and acknowledge the many things I am grateful for from 2018, a real stand out is having found Clare-Louise and her Clare-Louise Creating Creativity®, coaching programme. Since working with Clare-Louise, I have gained incredible insight of who the inner artist in…
Read MoreTake back the light
Do not allow your fire to go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can…
Read MoreSpeak Up
One day you will speak and your whole world will listen … what will you say then? We all have a voice to be heard, each developed through our own unique experience, each voice as powerful and as needed in our worlds as the next. Our creative voice, our authenticity is where our power rises,…
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