My name is Clare Louise I am a Creative Leadership Coach.
I'm a proud Mom, a business owner, a multi award winning fine art photographer.
I've spoken all over the world on creativity. I'm an international judge, mentor and qualifications examiner and have worked with global leaders within the photographic industry.
I specialize in empowering women creatives through my 1-2-1 coaching, workshops, retreats and my online creatives space to thrive authentically in their lives, art and businesses.
I believe creativity is our most under utilized asset.
My vision is to reconnect humanity to its creative spirit so we can lead meaningful lives doing what we love
But that's not who I am ... it's what I do. Take a deep dive and connect deeper to my creative spirit below.
I'm showing up to my dream, so I can help you show up to yours.
My greatest dream is to both inspire and empower you to take the personal journey of authentic creative discovery, reconnect to your inner voice, empower your world and live a life with passion.
Why? because the world needs change, the world needs more passionate humans, bigger thinkers, greater hearts, dream makers and world shakers. It needs more love, inspiration and empowered souls. It needs more spirit. It needs more creativity ... it needs you to show up as that beautiful creative that you are and make life happen ... because if you don't make your dreams happen ... who will?
"I'm deep and meaningful, I believe in magic. Sometimes my friends wonder if I will ever lighten up, but I like it here ... it's who I am"
Except for when I'm having one of my classic blonde moments (ask me about the apple store, or my biggest live blooper on stage) or the mischief maker in me breaks lose ...
And more than anything, my dream is to wake people up to all of who they are, to see past their fears, blocks and limiting beliefs through the power of authentic creativity.
Because we are always creating ... even when we think we're not.
I'm passionate about authentic creativity, I mean really passionate. I'm talking about the kind of passion that has you plotting and planning until dawn. The kind of passion that when you're caught up in it, you leave a trail of burnt dinners and forgotten time behind you.
I know first hand how finding my authentic creative spirit transformed my life, my art and my career, bringing me a deeper sense of purpose and I've committed to create a powerful space for others to show up and connect to their authentic creativity.
My other passion is helping creatives empower their lives and businesses by reconnecting to their hearts, soul and creative spirit - calling forth that deep sense of purpose, igniting the kind of passion that sets your world on fire. Reminding you 'you are enough', even when you've forgotten all you can achieve when you are living life from the perspective of fear, and ofcourse, I love helping others get out there and making dreams happen by building a business with soul.
I'm committed to helping creatives reconnect to the parts of themselves they have forgotten over time, that something that they know is missing but can't quite put their finger on and find, so life can start to feel good again.
Whether you're here looking for inspiration because you're feeling that call to create, you're seeking and discovering or you're struggling to take your next step in your art, life or business, I'm right there with you, I understand this journey from personal experience.
I've transformed my life walking this very same path, this whole experience is a mutual journey for me so I'll keep it real, I'll bare my soul, I'll share my highs and face my lows, I'll speak from my heart to yours, I'll speak my truth.
I love a little bit of woo too, so expect that, along with staying grounded, anchoring and embodiment, because without that our dreams stay just that and I'm all about showing up and making them happen. I'm all about the being AND the doing.
Intuition is important to me, I use it to connect to others and create deeper connections through creativity.
I'll ask questions, I'll give my thoughts, I'll talk about love because it's the greatest currency of all, my boys, because they are my everything, my art because it saved my soul, and my life, because like yours ... it's for living.
I know fear from personal experience, it's an old friend of mine. I've been stuck in it, lived in it, felt blocked by it, overwhelmed by it, and every time I've felt that fear, I've lent into it, pushed right on through it and come out the other side.
Working with Clients
That's why my clients book me. I've been there. I understand. I've spent a lifetime working it all out, rising from trauma, challenge and those curve balls that life often throws your way. I'm standing here in life right now as version 49.11 and still going strong, passionately and loving life even more.
I know just how hard it is to make it doing what you love. I also know how much courage it takes to reach out and ask for help, especially when you're the one who's supposed to have all the answers but you don't even know what the question is you need to ask yourself right now. It's OK. I get it. I hear you.
If you feel connected, resonate with who I am and want to get in touch, reach out, I am here.
Speaking & Events
I work exclusively with creatives ready to take the next steps of their journey, to open minds, hearts and to the depths of the soul. I love empowering women creatives and connecting to my spiritual self. I love dream chasers. I use the words energy, creativity and journey. I um, I ah, I laugh, I cry, others cry. I'm unconventional. I'm grounded.
I want to move people with my words and inspire them from my soul. I hold a safe space for anyone who needs it. I share my darkest days, my personal ride through the storm, my love, my laughter and life lessons. I love creating on the spot, brainstorming, exploring, being curious.
I have my blonde moments right there on stage in front of all those people. I get nervous, my voice shakes, I pace, I find my stride, I reach out and touch. I speak my truth, I speak with passion, I uncover and discover. I love.
Suni ai ... I am listening
I've been that start up creative business and grown it, I've navigated other small businesses and a global organisation back from the brink. I've burnt out, felt the stress, learnt the lessons and left behind me strong foundations for others to flourish from. I understand the challenges and frustrations most creative entrepreneurs and small businesses face, enabling me to help guide you to create your solutions. I am experienced in moving through the transition of 'stuck' to fulfillment - realising and stepping into that all important 'potential' that lives inside each and every one of us.
I'm committed to the journey it takes to bring calm to chaos and facilitate positive change ... one step at a time.
I'm a creative thinker, a fine art photographer, stylist, art director, inspirational speaker, photographic competitions judge, mentor and qualifications examiner, I've won awards, gained qualifications, I have traveled the world because of my creativity and exploring it. Both my art work and creative writings have been published online and in print globally. I love nothing more than to share and facilitate inspirational and motivational workshops to help others embrace developmental change, uncover creativity, and unlock the potential within.
"Dreaming is the imaginations guide to all things possible"
I have a thirst for growth, I love learning and investing in that growth, it's who I am. I'm continually developing my skills and experiences, here's how:
Positive Intelligence - Shirzard Chamine
CTi - Co-active Coach Intermediate Level Fulfillment, Balance, Process and Synergy Coaching
CTi - Leadership Training
Advanced Business Coaching - Association of Professional Coaches, Trainers & Consultants
Threshold Accelerator - Dent
7 Habits of Highly Successful People - Franklin Covey
Project & Time Management - Franklin Covey
Board Leadership for High Performing Boards - Leadership & Governance
Fellowship in Fine Art
Diploma in Photographic Practice
Strategy Planning
Success Mastermind
QHEH Level 2 Practitioner (Quantum Healing)
Reiki Practitioner
EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Therapy)
Red Tent Facilitator
Unconventional Coaching
I have a coach, a business mentor, an accountability partner and spiritual mentor. I check in every two weeks with at least one of them. I know just how valuable each one of these is to me following my dreams.
"Knowledge is found in curiosity ... wisdom is found when exploring it"
To find our more about Creative Leadership Coaching and if I'm the right coach for you