Are you a photographer looking for that extra ingredient, that little bit of magic that takes your work to the next level?

This is for you if ...
You desire to create deeper connections with your clients and take them on a more meaningful, authentic and creative experience
You are ready to take your creativity to the next level and, recognise that your next level of creative growth is beyond the tools and techniques of equipment and software ... it's about who you are being as an authentic creator
You recognise that your creative power is in you, not outside of you in the latest piece of kit and technology
You are ready to stretch your edges, explore a different approach to creativity
You are ready to step into your more, experience the next level of who you are being as an authentic creator
You are ready to move beyond what you already know, dance in the moment, find new ways to access the realms of creativity and your imagination ... and bring those creations into reality in a deeper and more connected way
Creating a deeper, richer and more expansive relationship with creativity is important to you so you can do more of the work you love
You want to explore how to co-create at a much deeper and more creative level with your creative team in a real life experience
Are you ready to take your creativity to the next level and create work that sets your soul on fire, that fuels your inspiration and passion for what you do and create with more meaning, more connection, creativity & impact?
It's who you are being that matters
Learning to move beyond the doing practice of photography and create from a place of being changed everything for me. It opened me up to a whole new level of creativity and a transformed my approach to how I worked.
Every challenge I've ever faced on the journey to finding my voice and becoming an authentic creator has always been about me, its always been about how I was holding myself back and learning to get out of my own way.
Changing my approach took everything I was creating to the next level and enabled me to learn, experience, and see the full power of what it means to be an authentic creator. It went beyond the images - it activated something so deep inside of me that transformed my life and my business in ways I couldn't imagine - not back then anyway.
No-one was teaching this, no-one was showing me how to align who I was being with what I was creating so I could find my voice - it took me years of deep work outside of the photographic industry to figure that out, and once I got here, it was the easiest and most effortless place to create from.
I learnt how to use who I was being in any given moment to find that inspiration and flow. I learnt to be a vessel of creativity rather than do something creatively. I learnt to channel, harness and direct creativity. I learnt to listen to its language and express it authentically through my (he)art.
And so I came back and created this workshop for the me back then who was searching for that other way, who was longing for more, who know there was something deep inside me that was longing to come out in a way that was more than f-stops and shutter speeds.
And I came back to create it for you too, because the world needs more (he)art, more creativity and love and it calling for creatives just like you to go deeper into your relationship with creativity and activate more connection, meaning, creativity in your work in an authentic and inspiring way.
It doesn't matter where you are on your journey, a seasonsed pro or a beginner - Shooting with Soul is an invitation to deepen your approach, your understanding and your relationship with creativity so you can create images with more meaning, more connection, more power, more authenticity, more creativity, more expression, more voice and lead your creative practice with more impact, heart, soul ... with more love
But be warned, once you open up this other way, there really is no going back - because you can not unsee what you see, you can not unfeel what you felt, you can not unreal what is real - you can not unhear that call to create
If you're ready to unlock your next level of creative potential - then this is for you.
Shooting With Soul
What you will discover on this workshop
Learn how to access your authentic creative self - activate inspiration and imagination through felt sense, intuition and the senses to create images with more depth, connection, impact and meaning.
Create deeper connections with your creative team and your surroundings and learn to co-create like never before.
Unlock the next level of creativity as you stretch your own edges, explore whats holding you back and what the next level of creative expression and expansion is for you
What will we explore
The Three Levels of Creativity
Your Creative Edge
Your Next Level
Creating from something
Creating from nothing
Creating from everything
This is a hands on expereintial workshop, all images will be created from concept to capture by you and your creative team.
What you will uncover
Your inner creator, your flow state, how to activate inspiration in the moment, your next level and express it through your (he)art.
Experience a creative enviroment like never before, recieve your creative self, activate the energy of inspire and immerse your Self in the frequency of creativity all whilst being supported in a way that will last beyond this workshop
This is not for you if you are wanting learn a practical step by step posing, lighting, camera and editing set up for how I created my images
This is not for you if you aren't prepared to challenge your current way of thinking and explore a new way of being creative
This is not for you if you are wanting to heavily focus all your time on learning only the technical side of photography
This is not for you if hands on, immersive experiential learning is not your way
This is not for you if your looking for another logical approach to creativity
This is not for you if bums on seats is your kind of photography and thats how you want it to stay
This is not for you if you aren't prepared to bring you whole self and let it get messy - even if that feels vulnerable, scary and uncomfortable.
And, whilst there is a range of lighting and a lighting expert on hand all day throughout your shoots to help and assist you, lighting is not the focus of the day - it is there to offer you space to explore and support your vision, imaginations and creations in practical hands on way.
This is not for you if you don't believe that its who you are being that matters
This inspiration day that is just for you, to explore who, how and what it is you desire to create. Its about listenting to the images that have no voice yet, that are calling you to be created.
It's about working with who you already are and taking who you are already being as a creator to the next level so that when you leave you know:
... that you are already enough. This isn't about changing who you are, its about being more of who you already are and creating from this space
... what's possible for you outside of our time together and are more conscious of your own process and what being an authentic creator means for you
... that you can take everything I show, teach, explore with you and apply it to your everyday work and your passion projects
... that your equipment supports your vision, and you get to play with that in a creative and exploritary way
... more of your own creative process, understand more about who you are being, how you block your flow state, how you access it and how to weave all of that together with what you are creating
Shooting With Soul ... it's about (he)art direction - it's where you gift yourself real time and space to explore what that means for you so you can lead your photography with more soul, creativity and love
Because ...
*** Why bring a model and MUA and not be supplied with one? I can, if you prefer, find models and make-up artists from my own network - however; my desire is that when you leave this workshop you leave with everything you need to continue this work outside of our time together.
Your model for the day should be a muse that inspires you, someone that you feel connected too. It's the same with a make-up artist, there is something really powerful about working with our own team and growing together - it was the relationshp that I built with my creative team that was a huge part of the magic, and I want that for you too.
If working with models and MUA's is something new for you, then I am more than happy to reach out to my contacts and see whose avaiiable.
What you and your creative team recieve when you say yes to this immersive inspirational, empowering and creative experience
Unlock your next level of creative potential - understand what holds you back and how to propel your creative self to the next level
Connect to your inner creator - explore your creative architecture, expand your inner tools and resources to access more of your authentic creative expression
Create from intuition and felt sense - tune into those soft skills and learn to consciously create images with more connection, impact and creativity
Unlock the energy of inspiration - feel into that flow state and find inspiration in the moment
Direct a shoot with soul - bringing all parts of the shoot together on a whole other level simply by being more of who you already are
Co-create - learn to connect on a deeper level and create in a way that takes your vision to higher levels
Let me show you how to create like you have never created before whilst accessing more of who you already are
Photographer to supply own model & make-up artist and £695.00 is for the creative team
Teas and coffees provided
About the day
Set in the beautiful grounds of Shortmead House this immersive workshop is an invitation for you and your creative team space to go deep and create like never before.
Shortmead offers a beautiful combination of established wild and manicured gardens, along with stunning architecture. Its magic offers you space to connect, space to create and space to explore
A MAXIMUM of 6 Photographers and their creative team per workshop
You will work directly with your creative team (which should include a Model & Make-up Artist) completing your own looks, concepts and styling, creating images unique to you.
An extensive range of lighting will be supplied by The Flash Centre with The Light Doctor on hand to help you explore your creative vision to the full.
Discounted product vouchers will be supplied by One Vision Imaging so you can complete your creative imaging journey.
Want to add a bit of wow to your shoots? You can hire accessories and costumes from The Royal Shakesphere Wardrobe Department here
Meet Your Coach & Mentor
‘I know what it feels like to not know how to channel creativity and access my voice, to lack self belief, to have that vision stuck inside of me and not know how to communicate and express it and at the same time have that deep desire to create work that has meaning. When I unlocked that part of me everything changed. Today I'm committed to helping other creatives unleash their magic within.'
My name is Clare Louise.
I'm a change maker, dream shaper and creative leadership coach. A business coach and mentor, fine art photographer, speaker and author. I am a Creatrix, creating in my life, my (he)art and my business from the fullest expression of myself.
My purpose here is to unlock creative potential so you can step into your next level of authentic creativity.
For so long we have focused on learning the tools and techniques of our trade, strived to have the latest gadgets and software in our arsenal of kit, scrolling the latest social media app for inspiration from our creative heroine and hero's focusing all of our creative energy outside of ourselves - everytime we do that we give our creative power away to technology, seperating ourselves from what's possible for us as an authentic creator ... and ultimately we are limiting our creative potential.
I want to show you how to reclaim that power, how to remember who you already are as an authentic creator and express your Self from this space, how to deepen your connection to creativity so you can see, feel, know and trust in who you are as an authetnic creator.
I want you to know the stories you tell yourself so you can become more conscious of how you are creating from your limiting beliefs (even when you think you aren't) and the rules you have already set for yourself about your ability to create. And more than that - my desire is for you to experience first hand who you are on the otherside of those fears, blocks and limiting beliefs, those unconsious stories and creative boundaries so you can realise your next level of potential.
I've spent the last 25 years going deep, listening to my creative heart beat and creating from this space - exploring what it means to be an authentic creator. I've experienced first hand the magic that has emerged in my life and for my life ... but it's not always been easy.
This ever evolving journey I am on with creativity demands that I defy my own rules, the rules that others set for me and the rules society shaped for me. It's been a wild ride for sure - challenged me to my core and it reshaped what I thought was possible.
I’m excited to be sharing the ingredients of my creative success with this powerful, immersive and inspirational workshop. Shooting with Soul is designed to develop, deepen and empower your authentic creative voice.
It's where I weave together my experience as a photographer, my love and deep understanding of creativity and my passion and skill as a leadership coach
Shooting with Soul is for photographers who want to be more creative, it's focused on unlocking your next level of potential, deepening your connection to your art, accessing untapped inner resources and learning to create from this space, activating your next level of creative expression and voice and connecting to the creator within.
Kathryn Chapman - Photographer
Why Shooting with Soul - what did you want out of the workshop?
Shooting with Soul sounded unlike any other workshop I had come across and, having worked with Clare Louise both 1-2-1 and in a masterclass session at the SWPP conference, I knew it would be exciting, challenging and new. I wanted to access my creativity as a photographer so I could start to reveal what was inside - I never quite thought I’d feel as empowered and as creative as I do since the workshop.
Tell us about your experience of the day?
The day took me to every place I wanted to go creatively but never thought I would, plus it pushed me further - through my fears of failure and the discomfort of ‘getting things wrong’. It highlighted how fueled I am to create something new every time I shoot and it taught me how to go deeper into my soul to discover more creativity than I believed I could. Over a week later, I’m still processing everything that went on and I hope to continue to be changed by what I learnt both about myself and working with a team.
What was the biggest value from the day?
Working with a team of models and make-up artists. It was such a privilege to be amongst such talented people, all after new creative experiences. Plus, living my favorite shoot ever - being so present and connected with the model and our surroundings was eye-opening.
Whats changed for you since the workshop?
I will never shoot in the same way again - I will trust my instincts more than I ever have and I will storm on bringing to life all the visions of creativity I have. I feel my professional life has taken on a massive and fundamental shift - a huge new world of possibility has opened up for me. What’s changed for me most is finding the excitement and energy for my work again but this time it has so much more meaning. I’m allowing my creative essence the freedom to be whatever it wants and I trust it completely and it’s fun to see what comes out - it’s a bit like watching a movie in my head. I know that if I put the right energy into a shoot, the good stuff happens and the great stuff emerges without even realising it. I never thought that confidence would feel so good! I trust myself and respect the professional in me. It makes so much sense that personal and creative development run side by side and the fact that it explodes into every aspect of my life is such a joy. I have been understanding more and more why you do your work! It’s so wonderful.
How do you feel you have grown creatively?
I now know how much more I have in me; how much more I have to give to my work and how much more I can be honest and bear witness to my creative ideas.
How did the workshop empower you personally?
I now believe that I can achieve anything in my work and I realise how much I’ve been holding myself back with the fear of failure.
What would you tell others about Clare-Louise?
Clare Louise is kind, genuine, patient, very challenging and hugely passionate about helping others access their creativity. She creates a safe environment to allow people to be themselves and has an incredible ability to be present with people in a way that helps them access themselves in a much deeper way.
Who would you recommend this workshop to and why?
Those who are ready and willing to go to the next level of their creative work; those who are happy to get it wrong so they can get it even righter (lol) and open themselves up to their own possibilities.
Have the last word …
CL - Can we be friends forever?
Shooting with Soul is an extraordinary workshop that will give you an understanding and take you to places within your yourself that you hadn’t imagined. This will result in deep personal learning and a professional creative shift.
Each photographer works with models and make-up artists where you join forces on styling and vision. Through a series of exercises before each shoot CL helps unlock what is holding you back in your creativity and shows that your potential is only hindered by your own limits and fears. As a result, each shoot becomes more and more intense and meaningful.
CL has a brilliant way of bringing this all together to facilitate meaningful training in a safe and supportive environment. Everything about this workshop is stunning and inspiring.
Spaces are limited