Lauren Case – Shooting With Soul – My workshop experience with Clare Louise Creating Creativity®

Lauren Case Make-Up Artist : Shooting with Soul Review

Why “Shooting with Soul’ – what did you want out of the workshop?
I wanted to push myself out my comfort zone and work with other creatives that I had not worked with before.

Tell us about your experience of the day?
I can’t even describe what I experienced on this day it was so magical it cannot be described, I learnt how to connect with other people alike.

What was the biggest value from the day?
The biggest value for me was learning that you are not alone, that others experience the same doubts and troubles as you. I thought it was only me giving myself a hard time about my makeup skills, but when talking to others I realized we are all humans and more similar than we think.

What’s changed for you since the workshop? 
I am more confident in my work and believe in myself and that I can achieve what is in my head.

How do you feel you have grown creatively?
I look at my work in a different way now, I have learnt I do not have to be the best, creativity is not a competition, it is personal to each person and what they are feeling, as long as I try my best I am enough.

How did the workshop empower you personally?
Personally it empowered me by making me step out of my comfort zone and realize that it’s not the worst thing in the world, in fact you will probably achieve so much more when you are pushed out of that comfort.

What would you tell others about Clare-Louise?
Clare is such an amazing, inspirational, selfless woman who is willing to give all the time and effort into pushing people and helping them achieve their goals, she can read people and knows exactly what they need to be encouraged and pushed, knowing Clare and working with her has been life changing – she has challenged me when I doubted myself, she saw the potential in my MUA skills.

Who would you recommend this workshop too and why?
A million percent I would recommend this course to anyone that is doubting themselves within their creativity. I didn’t realize that I would learn so much about myself that I didn’t know in one day. I learnt that we are all liable to have those feelings. By the end of the day this experience had me leaving the course with my head held high knowing I was willing to take on the makeup industry and keep pushing myself.

It was a great day as a makeup artist to get to work with others, models, photographers and even getting feedback and support from other makeup artists. In such a competitive industry it is easy to feel that you are constantly in competition with other artists, this workshop taught me that you should all stick together and build each other up, and that being able to give each other advice while on shoot is one of the most valuable things.