Realising our Creative Potential

I believe that every creative deserves to follow their dreams and be an inspired, empowered, authentic creator – I also believe every creative deserves to make a living doing what they love … but it isn’t always that easy.

I’ve been in the creative industry for 20 years and worn many hats, from photographer to artist, Mentor to CEO – Qualifications Examiner to International Competitions Judge and everything in between and one of the biggest problems I came across and continue to see today (and experienced myself back then as that start up business) – is a lack of purpose in creative businesses.

Most heart centred creative business owners started out through a love of creating, they have followed their passion and begun their dream business doing what they love – but when the honeymoon period is over, many they feel like they lose their creative self as they get caught up in the daily grind, the hustle and the busyness and practicalites of running the business, and bit by bit they find themselves falling out of love doing what they love.

Kathryn was one of the those creatives.

When we started working together Kathryn was a talented, frustrated and unfulfilled creative business owner of what she describes as an apologetic business of 12 years.

Whe we met she was caught up doing work she didn’t love, never believing for one second that she could lead her business from the creative work she longed to do, never gave her self permission to do, that would eventually set her world on fire. She was stuck with client work that wasn’t fulfilling her creatively and she was charging far, far less than she was worth, dreading the next influx of work she’d built her business around because that’s the work she thought she was supposed to do, that she had to do … worse still she wasn’t charging for the work she loved, the work she was really passionate about, the work she excelled at because she didn’t know how …

Her creative work stayed a passion project that never made her any money, that only came out once in a while and whilst she lived for the next creative shoot, she felt frustrated, disappointed and desperately unhappy at the fact that her business hadn’t evolved and she couldn’t make a living doing what she loved … until she could.

During our time together Kathryn dug deep, she found what really mattered to her, what she wanted to make a stand for – who she was as an authentic creator and she created from this space. She leant in, she stepped out, she rose up.

Kathryn reimagined her business developing a creative process to help women with their mental health. Her creative work has been featured in exhibitions in London, her business mission has got the attention of MIND and she was interviewed by RANKIN, a world renowned photographer on the work that she is doing in photography that surrounds mental health. She aligned who she was being as a creative and brought that into alignment with her business. As Kathryn’s listented to her creative call and aligned her creative practice with her purpose, passion and a plan, she transformed her world, fast tracked her business in a way she’d only dreamed of and built a business with soul … finding the creative fulfillment she longed for when she was stuck, stagnating and losing her creative self to her apologetic business.

“I don’t doubt my creativity anymore, I don’t compare myself to others like I used to and I am fully focussed on expressing myself in the way that feels most natural to me – I’m running a business that I love deeply, am extremely passionate about and is beginning to take off.

I show up every day, doing and being the work, knowing that everything I do is another step in the right direction and it’s paying off. I’m attracting clients who understand what I do, are fully aligned with what my business offers and are excited to work with me. It’s bliss”

And if you’re wondering about the money? Well, Kathryn’s now taking on dreamboat clients who are willing to pay her more for one shoot that she was earning from a hellish busy, unfulfilling week doing work she felt she had to do to make ends meet.

“The Creatives Mastermind has helped me create the structure of my business and realise my potential. It has given me so many tools to continue to keep on my authentic creative path and fast-track my progress.”

And that right there is what The Creatives Mastermind is all about.

“I no longer go to work, I am my work, I live and breathe my work, it brings me so much joy to be living fully in my purpose, to travel alongside my clients and enjoy the beautiful mutual journey that my work brings”

Can you imagine what that feels like – to show up every day and get to do the work you love?

And she’s not the only one …

“I watched others in the programme smash through their barriers, watching things become clearer for them is very beautiful”

And I know this is possible for you too.

If you’re serious about realising your creative potential and taking your dream business to the next level but are stuck in a business that is no longer fulfilling you, dragging you down and sucking your creative energy from you AND you are ready to do things differently, I’m taking registrations for the next cohort of The Creatives Mastermind and have 10 spaces available. And when you sign up – you also get to work with me on next The Conscious Creator programme – the programme that is transforming the lives of creative women just like you as they step into their magic as an empowered authentic creator.

This is for passion fuelled, heart centred creative women who are ready to take their creative business to the next level, lead authentically and build a business with soul.

Book a discovery call here and let’s explore if this programme is a right fit for you.

It all starts with you.

Are you ready?