Bring Your Magic


When I reflect on what I’m celebrating this year – this is what is riding to the top of my list.
Without these my 2022 would have felt a whole lot different and my 2023 wouldn’t be feeling as exciting as it is now.

INTUITION : I live so deeply into this that I no longer second guess myself – that doesn’t mean fear doesn’t rear its head because it does. It means that when I know I have to do something I trust I have to do it and course correct from this place. A friend said to me the other day that I don’t realise how strong I am, that that inner strength isn’t something that comes as easily to her and I sat and thought/felt into that. Where does that strength come from … and its that inner knowing. It means I can get out of my head, I can show up with my eyes and heart wide open, I can let go of control, I can trust, follow, lead and create with so much freedom that what opens up from that is pure magic. I’ve made big choices in 2022 that my logical mind couldn’t make any sense of and said absolutely NO WAY to – yet when my trust in my intuition is so strong it enables me to say yes to what’s best for me – and standing here on the otherside of those decisions I am living into what turned out to be the best choices for my life, my business, my dreams.

IMAGINATION : I said to my accountability pod yesterday “when I’m asked what’s the one thing I would take on a desert island with me – it’s would be my imagination.” It’s like the doorway to my dreams – a portal to another time, space, world of possibilities and opportunities, it enables me to connect and create with people, places, things on a whole other level. My imagination has enabled me to always see another way – to see beyond my own reality, to see into the realms of what’s next, what’s available, what’s possible.

INTENTION : someone once told me many moons ago that intention is a powerful tool – I picked up that tool and over the years have learnt so much from it. I’ve loved deeper into intentions this year because It’s that intention that keeps me focused, it’s that intention that enables me to bring those imaginations to life so I can live into the reality of my own dreams. It’s that intention – when I set my heart on something that moves into making things happen – It’s that intention that anchors in the intangible, and creates focus, clarity and direction.

INSPIRED ACTION : this is what manifests those imaginations and intuitions into my world. What brings me joy, abundance, flow. Those inspired actions are the steps that I take that are aligned to everything I create that are infused with the intentions I make. All of this bring so much magic to my world. Keeps me awake, alive, connected and living into the reality of my own dreams.

So I’m celebrating this – because without any of these my world would look and feel a whole lot different right now. My adventures would have been trips, my creations would have felt like should’s – my dreams stayed as wishes, my desires still hopes.

Because if there’s one thing creativity has taught me it’s that your dreams, desires, imaginations, intuitions, sparks … they are all meant to be birthed into this world … all we have to do is create them … with love xxx

Its easy to celebrate the things, the people, the achievements … what if you celebrate who you were being and your own magic formula that you weaved through 2022 – what would you celebrate then?

2023 is where you get to BRING YOUR MAGIC – and if you want help with that then you can find me here


All the love xxx